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Malaysia Attestation

Attestation is an act of validating the documents by an authority stating the certificates and genuine. Attestation on certificated for Malaysia is mandatory to prove the authenticity of the certificate in the eyes of law. It also certifies that the specified certificate has been issued by a legal authority and is a valid document.

It even states that the certificate is true, accurate and authentic. There are variety of documents which may require attestation by the Consulate General of Malaysia for the use either in India by Malaysians or used in Malaysia by other foreign nationals (Indians).

Attestation can be done for an array of documents like, birth certificates, marriage certificates, educational certificates etc. Attestation can be done at the Consulate General of Malaysia in Mumbai by submitting original and copies of the documents which has been first attested by the local notary, the Protocol Department of India's Ministry of External Affairs or by the Protocol Department of India's State Governments.

The process of attestation requires a authorative attestation either from the place of country the certificate holder is staying or the place where the certificate was primarily issued.The process of attestation of document can be carried out in many cities across India including Hyderabad, Guwahati, Patna, Chandigarh, Chennai, Cochin and many other place.

We at with years of experience in providing prompt attestation service to wide client base makes your attestation work hassle free in competitive rates.

Attested Certificate

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